TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

Taiwan Events Program @ 2022 Frankfurt Book Fair

11 October 2022 /

Taiwan participates in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 with opening party, panel discussions, comic concert and more.


Books from Taiwan Pitch Session

10/19 Wed 1430-1500 

Hall 6.0 C55


Taiwan Pavilion Opening Party & Meet Authors from Taiwan

10/19 Wed 1500-1600

Hall 6.0 C55


Speed-dating Matchmaking with Taiwan Publisher (Fiction / Non-fiction)

10/20 Thu 1000-1055

Hall 6.0 C55

Speed-dating Matchmaking with Taiwan Publisher (Children's Books/ YA/ Comics & Graphic Novels)

10/20 Thu 1100-1155

Hall 6.0 C55

Independent Publishing Outlook for 2023

10/20 Thu 1300-1345

Congress Center, Level 2, Room Spektrum


Porter Anderson|Editor-in-Chief|Publishing Perspectives



Ūla Ambrasaitė|Founder|LAPAS Books

Wil Harris|CEO|Unbound

Pei-Shan Huang|Publisher|Slowork Publishing

Tom Kraushaar|Publisher|Klett-Cotta


Taiwan Story Salon-Book Market Spotlight

10/20 Thu 1700-1730

Frankfurt Studio

Room Europa, Hall 4.0



Porter Anderson|Editor-in-Chief|Publishing Perspectives



Fiction and Non-Fiction Books in Taiwan|Kim Pai|Pai Sha Agency

Children’s Books at A Glance|Su Shin|BK Agency

Taiwan Comics Power|Pei Shan Huang|Slowork Publishing

Translation Grant & Books from Taiwan Program

|Catrina Liu|Books from Taiwan


Taiwan Story Salon-Horror, Amour and Elegy

10/20 Thu 1730-1800 

Frankfurt Studio

Room Europa, Hall 4.0



Porter Anderson|Editor-in-Chief|Publishing Perspectives



How to Write A Horror Story?|Po-Ching Chen|Novelist

Taboo Breaking in A Love Story|Nathalie Chang|Novelist

Elegies in Graphic Art|Animo Chen|Comic Artist


Comic Concert & Happy Hour

10/20 Thu 1800-1900 

Frankfurt Studio

Room Europa, Hall 4.0

* Comic Performance, Live Music and F&B


Artist: Animo Chen

Cellist: Che-Wei Kuo


The Book Fair Directors' Round Table: Issues and Outlooks

10/21 Fri 1300-1400

Frankfurt Studio

Room Europa, Hall 4.0



Porter Anderson|Editor-in-Chief|Publishing Perspectives



Juergen Boos|CEO|Frankfurt Book Fair

Eva Orúe|Director|Feria del Libro Madrid

Aliou Sow|Founding Director|Salon International du Livre de Jeunesse de Conakry

Rex How|Director of Board|Taipei Book Fair Foundation