TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

CotCotCot Éditions

CotCotCot Éditions是一家比利時獨立出版社,與眾多優秀兒童作家及新秀插畫家合作,為六歲以上的孩童以及心中還住著一個小孩的成人們打造出富有诗意及人文氣息的書籍。其中多部作品已獲得法國及比利時書評及榮獲波隆納插畫評選的認可與支持。CotCotCot將繼續保持其原創性和好奇心,為將長大成人的兒童、青少年以及也曾是孩子的成人創作出打動人心的繪本及圖像小說等作品。CotCotCot éditions publish stories addressing young readers as well as adults' inner child. In their catalogue, you will find poetic and humanist works – with a fighting spirit – for readers aged six years and above. The encounters and projects are making their mark pixel by pixel, plotting CotCotCot's editorial path!Anne Crahay and Sophie Caironi, two of the three Belgian Illustration Awards finalists in Bologna, are published by CotCotCot.

Address:Rue Vanderkindere 67, 1180 Uccle

Web Address:https://www.cotcotcot-editions.com