TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

Maison Autrique

位於布魯塞爾的Autrique House是新藝術運動建築師維克多‧奧塔(Victor Horta)的首批作品之一。一個世紀以來,一直是座私人住宅;Autrique House這座重要遺產的全面修復且能向公眾開放,要歸功於連環漫畫。事實上,馮索瓦‧史奇頓(François Schuiten)和貝涅‧彼特(Benoit Peeters)所創作的《朦朧城市》(Les Cités Obscures)系列漫畫的想像力促使這座建築重生。基於此一具體案例,也讓我們設想透過漫畫出版的形式來介紹各樣重要的遺產。The Autrique House in Brussels is one of the first works by the architect Victor Horta. For a century, it remained a private home. This important milestone of heritage owes its complete restoration and opening to the public to the comic strip. Indeed, the imagination of Dark Cities - the cycle by F. Schuiten & B. Peeters - presided over the rebirth of the building. Based on this concrete example, we have imagined publications dedicated to heritage in all its forms in comics.

Address:Chaussée de Haecht 2661030 Schaerbeek

Web Address:https://www.autrique.be