TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

Wallonia-Brussels International

WBI為隸屬於比利時法語文化區政府的對外官方機構,主要負責發展法語區的國際關係。為強化世界各國與比利時兩大自治區政府進行雙邊或多邊的文化交流並讓各國更深入了解比利時法語區文化,WBI在全球17個城市派專員駐點推廣法語文化和高等教育,並參與世界各大展覽(書展、教育展、國際研討會…)以及各類型藝文活動等。WBI擁有許多分支涵蓋不同文創產業與服務:- 聲音視覺藝術 Wallonie-Bruxelles Images WBImages- 音樂 Wallonie-Bruxelles Musiques WBM- 戲劇舞蹈 Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse WBTD- 設計時尚 Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode WBDM- 青少年國際教育計畫Bureau International de la Jeunesse BIJ- 建築 Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures WBA- 留學比利時 Wallonie-Bruxelles Campus WBCampusWallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI) is the agency responsible for the international relations and acts as an international policy instrument for the Wallonia Region, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the French Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region. WBI supports creators and entrepreneurs from Wallonia and Brussels to act on the international stage and defends the values and interests of each of the parties in a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.

Address:Place Sainctelette, 21080 Brussels, Belgium

Web Address:https://www.wbi.be