TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

Chung Hwa Book Co., (H.K.) Ltd.

香港中華書局歷史悠久,1988 年在香港註冊,作為一家以經營圖書出版為主要業務的綜合性及多元化的文化出版機構,以「弘揚中華文化,構建現代文明」為經營宗旨,以「重學術、重原創、重本土」為出版方向,堅持以優質的圖書和文化教育活動傾力展現中華文化的現代價值和全新發展,以建設、傳承和傳播中國優秀傳統文化為己任,立足香港,服務社會。Chung Hwa Book Co.(Chung Hwa) was founded in Shanghai in 1912. ItsHong Kong branch, opened in 1927, formally registered as Chung Hwa BookCompany (Hong Kong) Ltd. in 1988.Chung Hwa offers far-ranging subjects in its publications.It also aware of the new trends in the publishing industry.Electronic publications on contemporary China and modern.It hope that its solid foundation in publishing will continue to contribute to the global Chinese-reading market in this new era.

Address:Flat B,1/F, North Point Industrial Building, 499 Kings Road, North Point, H.K.

Web Address:https://www.chunghwabook.com.hk/