Columbia University Press
Columbia University Press以出版哲學、文學、電影、社會工作以及管理學為主。近年來持續引進並翻譯重要的歐陸著作,如Julia Kristiva、Gianni Vattimo與Roland Barthes等重要思想家作品。與台灣相關的書系為《台灣現代華語文學》(Modern Chinese Literature from Taiwan),翻譯並出版黃春明、郭松棻、朱天文、朱天心等作家的重要小說。Columbia University Press was founded in 1893. The Press recently celebrated its 110th year of continuous publishing activities, making it the fourth oldest University Press in America. Notable highlights in its history include the publication of the Columbia Encyclopedia in 1935, the acquisition of the Granger's Index to Poetry in 1945, the introduction of the three Sources anthologies of Indian, Japanese and Chinese classic works in the 1950s, and over the years the publication of numerous literary luminaries including Julia Kristeva, Edward Said, John Rawls, Theodore Adorno, and Gilles Deleuze. The Press currently publishes 150 new titles every year in the fields of history, religion, philosophy, international affairs, Asian Studies, science, literature, economics, business, and social work.
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