TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

New York University Press

紐約大學出版(New York University Press)成立於1916年。過去最為人稱道的出版品是美國詩人惠特曼(Walt Whitman)的作品及相關研究。近年來則在歷史、宗教、心理、文學、政治、社會學、文化研究、電影、法律及犯罪學等領域皆有擲地有聲的學術出版品。各族裔與文化在紐約市的匯集與互動,也使NYU Press成為非美、亞美、拉美與猶太文化的研究重鎮。Founded in 1916, NYU Press was once best known for its publication of The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman, the most comprehensive and definitive series of the poet's work. In more recent years, the Press has published distinctive works of scholarship in history, religion, psychology, literature, cultural studies, politics, sociology, film, and law. In addition, the Press has an established list in New York regional history, politics and culture, Balkan Studies, and has growing lists in such areas as Jewish studies, African-American studies, Asian-American studies, Latino/Latina culture, and youth culture in general. NYU Press publishes approximately 100 new books each year, enjoys a backlist of over 1500 titles, and was described recently by the Chronicle of Higher Education as “a major player in academic publishing.”

Address:411 Lafayette St., 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10003

Web Address:https://nyupress.org/