Yale University Press
由耶魯校友George Parmly Day創立,秉持耶魯大學立校精神「光明與真理」(Light and Truth),出版文、史、法、政等學術書籍。近年來則以藝術、建築類書籍蜚聲出版界,2004年榮獲《舊金山紀事報》(San Francisco Chronicle)評為最佳藝術書籍出版社。YUP並與紐約大都會博物館、英國國家畫廊等多家世界級的博物館建立長期合作關係,出版質地精美的畫冊。Yale UP自2015年起,獨家發行下列出版社書籍:Getty Publications出版Getty基金會旗下Getty博物館,Getty文物保護中心與Getty研究中心的研究成果。針對大眾與專業人士出版藝術、攝影、考古、建築、文物保存與人文類出版品,包括藝術家個人作品集、藝術史、展覽圖錄、文化史、物質與考古地保存的研究、藝術教育及Getty博物館藏品的研究專書。By publishing serious works that contribute to a global understanding of human affairs. Yale University Press aids in the discovery and dissemination of light and truth, lux et veritas, which is a central purpose of Yale University. The publications of the Press are books and other materials that further scholarly investigation, advance interdisciplinary inquiry, stimulate public debate, educate both within and outside the classroom, and enhance cultural life. Through the distribution of works that combine excellence in scholarship with skillful editing, design, production, and marketing, the Press demonstrates its commitment to increasing the range and vigor of intellectual pursuits within the university and elsewhere. With an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, Yale University Press continually extends its horizons to embody university press publishing at its best.
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