元禮國際貿易股份有限公司 Edx Education Co., Ltd
Edx艾迪客,超過40年的教玩具經驗,暢銷全球90國,享譽全球優質教育用品供應商。 Play Learn and Create 期望艾迪客的教具,能陪伴孩子從玩中學,啟發孩子的創造力。 「玩中學」是我們的核心理念,手是孩子第二個腦,透過實際操作觀察來引起興趣、好奇心,培養解決問題的能力,孩子藉由遊戲來感知數學、探索科學、美感養成並培養社交能力,以實踐 STEAM 精神。 擁有頂尖的創意師資團隊,洞悉孩子的學習需求,提供高品質、高質感教玩具,產品搭配獨一無二的活動卡片及手冊,全系列產品在台灣設計、製造,包含學齡前及小學數學教玩具。鼓勵親子共玩,並提供成人陪玩靈感及產品背後的教育意義,陪伴孩子長大,親子一起玩中學! 越玩越聰明 透過教具操作(Hands-on),引起學習動機,將抽象的理論具體呈現,陪孩子一起越玩越聰明。 寓教於樂 與顧問團隊反覆討論教具設計,賦予每一款教具不同使命,讓孩子從玩樂中達到不同教育意義。 玩出創造力 給予孩子空間,引導孩子思考,發揮想像玩出創造力!History Over the past 27 years, Edx Education has grown into a major supplier to the international education market, exporting to more than 90 countries. We have an ongoing program of developing innovative products and marketing under the Edx Education brand. We work with leading educators who advise on trends in education and the development of innovative new products. Our education and product development philosophy is “Learning Through Play“. We have been working with experts to develop educational products. Materials and equipment spark children's interest and encourage them to experiment and learn. Our product range covers maths manipulatives, and early childhood active play. We are the largest manufacturer of maths manipulatives (3-11 years) in the world.All our products are tested for compliance with EN71, ASTM and CPSIA standards. Mission - Play Learn and Create At Edx Education we love learning through play while creating lifelong learners
Contact Number:886-2-27048568#855
Address:台北市大安區敦化南路二段39號9F 9F, No.39, Sec. 2, DunHua S. Rd., Taipei, 106, Taiwan
Web Address:https://www.shopedx.com.tw/