TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

愛呦文創有限公司 I Yao Co. Ltd.

在2018年成立,以出版網路小說、圖文畫及生活類書為主,並致力開拓出版品的各種跨界發展機會,讓出版不僅是閱讀,也能延伸至活動、課程、遊戲等領域,讓出版品能貼近網路世代,成為生活、學習、娛樂的一環。分三大書系: i 生活 飲食、健康、勵志,從閱讀落實生活體驗,創造美好生活與自我成長 已出版暢銷書:命理名師大耕老師《為自己打一手人生好牌:大耕老師超準紫微牌【工作、愛情50問】》、大維老師《大維老師紫微牌陣一翻就上手》……等 i 小說 愛情、眈美、輕小說,量身打造、精緻包裝每個精采故事 已出版暢銷書:台灣耽美大手黑蛋白《飛鴿交友須謹慎》及《人生何處無鯤鵬》、晉江王牌作家木蘇里成名代表作《全球高考》及《某某》、韓國已改編同名網漫的校園BL《Deadman Switch:末日校園》……等 i 創作 圖文、漫畫、插畫、角色人物,乃至延伸至周邊商品,探索圖像的無限可能 已出版暢銷書:網路社群爆紅繪師一輛YiLiang首部商業誌《貓貓躲貓貓》及《貓貓LET’S GO》……等 I Yao was founded in 2018 by several senior editors of 10 to 15 years of experience in publishing industry who do not wish to break the rules. Our works range from BL novels, illustrated books to lifestyle books, and we are committed to exploring crossover opportunities for our publications, so that publishing is not only for reading, but also extends to activities, courses, games, and other fields, and become part of the life, learning and entertainment of the new generation. i Life Culinary culture, Well-being, Self-help. We aim to provide affluent life experience and personal growth. i Novel Romance, BL, Light novel. We aim to provide unique reading experience with intriguing stories. i Creation Illustrated book, Manga. We aim to cultivate exceptional illustrators or storytellers for the love of creating.

Contact Number:886-2-25287229

Address:台北市大安區忠孝東路4段59號10樓之2 Rm. 2, 10F., No. 59, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106070 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Web Address:https://www.facebook.com/iyao.book/