TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

國立臺灣文學館 National Museum of Taiwan Literature

國立臺灣文學館為我國第一座國家級的文學博物館,除蒐藏、保存、研究的功能外,更將透過展覽、活動、推廣教育等方式,使文學親近民眾,帶動文化發展。本館另設有文學圖書閱覽區、兒童文學樂園等空間,並特別增設「臺北分館」,利用首都的政經地理優勢,發揮文學的跨界潛力、探索新的價值定位。Established on October 17th, 2003, the National Museum of Taiwan Literature is the country's first national museum dedicated to the literary arts. By organizing various activities, including exhibitions, translations, and research, NMTL strives to provide an ideal literary environment for contemporary writers and to further promote Taiwan's distinctive literary arts and values, both domestically and internationally. As part of its mission, NMTL strives to preserve Taiwan's literary heritage through archives and exhibitions of both indigenous Austronesian cultures and those from the modern history of Taiwan, such as the Dutch, Ming/Koxinga, Qing, and Japanese colonial periods. Additionally, numerous educational activities, such as book-reading events, are held to promote awareness of Taiwan's literary traditions to all ages.

Contact Number:886-6-2217201

Address:台南市中西區中正路1號 No.1, Zhongzheng Rd.,West Central District,Tainan City 700005, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Web Address:https://www.nmtl.gov.tw