TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

Art and Culture Outreach Limited

艺鵠,由藝術家主導的非牟利慈善藝術團體,坐落於灣仔與銅鑼灣交界的富德樓,集書店、出版、策展及創作空間於一體,致力推動藝文發展,以達致公民社會及優質生活。書店選書涉獵當代藝術、中西文學、哲學、文化、社會及綠色生活;亦網羅香港及海外自家出版及小誌作品;自2016年起展開出版計劃,題材涵蓋藝術、文學、文化保育、生活哲學等,希望透過文字及書本,交換思想、智慧、情感與視野。至今出版作品逾10部,其中2020年出版的《在鐵盒上抹一把塵》獲「第三屆香港出版雙年獎 – 最佳出版獎」。Art and Culture Outreach Limited (ACO) is an artist-led non-profit charitable art organisation. Located in Foo Tak Building at the junction of Wanchai and Causeway Bay in Hong Kong. ACO, which encompasses a bookstore, publishing projects, art space and creative studios, is dedicated to promoting art and cultural development to facilitate and encourage a civil society and quality living. ACO Books (the bookstore) curates a selection of contemporary art, literature, culture and philosophy. It also features independent publications and zines from Hong Kong and around the world. To further explore ideas and perspectives, and to share wisdom and love through words and books, it has initiated a series of publishing projects since 2016. More than 10 publications have been launched, in which Memories in a Tin Box published in 2020 won the ‘Distinguished Publishing Award’ at Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021.

Zone:International Zone


Web Address:https://www.aco.hk

Address:14/F Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong