Carlsen出版社創立於1953年,並在1954年發行了家喻戶曉的皮克西隨身繪本。在這之後,Carsen出版社便成為德國最大的出版社之一,專門出版紙板書、繪本、兒童與青少年小說與漫畫等。Carlsen出版社也是哈利波特與幕光之城系列的德國代理出版商。Carlsen was founded in 1953, launching the successful Pixi series in 1954. Carlsen has become one of the big publishing houses on the German market, with board book, picture books, children and YA fiction as well as manga and comic books. Carlsen was very successful with Harry Potter and Twilight books.
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Address:Völckersstraße 14–20 22765 Hamburg