TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

City University of Hong Kong Press

香港城市大學出版社1996年成立,是香港城市大學(簡稱城大)的出版部門。在大學出版委員會監督下,本社一直致力於以下的核心使命: • 推動學術研究; • 傳播知識和富創意的作品;及 • 提升知識轉移。 本社主要出版三類書籍:學術書籍,專業書籍及一般書籍,範圍涵蓋商業、教育、人文、法律、科學與工程和社會科學,尤其專於出版有關亞洲研究、中國研究,以及香港研究書籍。我們竭力出版具地區影響力及長遠價值的作品。City University of Hong Kong Press was founded in 1996 as the publishing arm of the City University of Hong Kong. Overseen by the University Press Committee, the continuing mission of the Press is, by way of publishing high-quality titles, to • promote scholarship; • enhance knowledge transfer; and • disseminate knowledge and creative works to society at large. The Press publishes mainly three types of publication: academic works, professional books, and books of general interest and social concern. These cover a wide range of fields including business, history, cultural studies, education, law, political science, science and engineering, and social sciences, with an overall focus on China studies, Hong Kong studies, Asian studies, politics, and public policy. The Press endeavours to produce works of social impact, regional and international significance, and lasting value.

Zone:International Zone


Web Address:https://www.cityu.edu.hk/upress/
