Bardon-Chinese Media Agency
博達著作權代理有限公司(以下簡稱博達),專責代理歐、美、日原創外文書的簡體中文與繁體中文版權, 業務內容包括仲介繁、簡體中文版授權出版、合作印刷、連載權及相關內容的衍生權利授權,例如展覽、影視、周邊商品等版權業務。博達同時代理中文原創作品輸出授權到其他語種,包括日本、韓國、英美、西班牙、葡萄牙等地。 博達在台北及北京分別設有辦公室及專業版權業務人員。Bardon-Chinese Media Agency licenses European, USA, and Japanese copyrights including academic and trade titles and children books in Chinese language markets. The agency promotes, negotiates and licenses Chinese translation for publications, serializations, permissions, co-production and its derivative rights in form of exhibitions, performances and merchandising on behalf of its clients worldwide.
Zone:Rights Center
Web Address:
Address:3F, No. 150 Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei 10084