TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9


蓋亞文化,記憶與想像的國度。成立於2001年,致力於挖掘、出版台灣與香港、中國的華文原創作品,同時也譯介歐美日韓書藉。2009年起,新增圖文漫畫品牌(原動力出版),透過圖像說故事,累積原創漫畫能量。 不論是文字作品或圖文漫畫,我們期許透過精準選書與合宜的編輯行銷,提供讀者多元題材的閱讀樂趣,在作者與讀者,個人與社會,這個世界與其他世界之間,扮演文化傳遞者的角色。 Founded in 2001, Gaea Books is a Taiwanese publisher, a kingdom of memories and imagination. We devote ourselves to scouting gifted authors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. In the mean time, we introduce the popular works from Europe, USA, Japan and South Korea to readers in Taiwan. In 2009, Gaea Books started a new brand, Dyna Books, to publish graphic and comic pieces. Find a different way to tell stories - through graphics. We believe that we can lead readers to experience the pleasure of reading in different genres, through the way we choose and how we edit or market the books, no matter it is a literary or a graphic novel.We would love to play a role as a cultural messenger between authors and readers, between individual and society, between worlds.

Zone:Anime, Manga, Light Novel Zone


Web Address:https://www.facebook.com/Gaeabooks
