TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

小牛頓科學教育有限公司 Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd

小牛頓科學教育有限公司原為牛頓出版股份有限公司之事業部門,於西元2010年獨立為公司,總經銷代理多項知名品牌之圖書雜誌,如小牛頓、小小牛頓等雜誌以及各類學習漫畫、童書、高質記錄片、電子書。 在電子書大時代,積極發展數位內容,代理發行《牛頓電子書》、《小牛頓電子書》、《小小牛頓電子書》、《重現世界歷史》等系列科普及人文經典文化產品,深耕海峽兩岸的科普教育,多面向開拓文化出版新領域。 除了全權代理牛頓出版股份有限公司各種出版品之出版行銷、版權業務及品牌經營。此外,小牛頓公司也出版發行《新小小牛頓月刊》,同時投入各種兒童圖書及數位產品的開發製作,例如:《小牛頓科學與人文系列》、《小牛頓科學故事館》、《小牛頓動物生存高手》、《小牛頓植物生存高手》、《小牛頓新興科技館》、《小牛頓實驗王》、《詩詞中有科學》、《名畫中的科學》---等,這些優良出版品均已授權大陸出版同業在中國大陸地區出版中文簡體字版。 近年,小牛頓公司陸續與大陸優秀同業合作開發電子書、音訊有聲書、線上課程等多種數位教育產品,並在各種相關平臺流通及銷售,希望藉多元出版形式,擴大品牌影響力及經營成果。 Little Newton Scientific Education Co. is one of the leading children and science publishing company in Taiwan. Began with publication of “Newton Magazine” in 1983, “Little Newton Magazine” in 1984, and “Little Newton for Kids and Toddlers” in 1990. More than a hundred million dollars were spent, creating over 2,000 best seller publications. In 2003, we published our titles in China Mainland via copyright licensing for the first time. They have been loved by many children, parents and teachers . Now, Little Newton is taken as an important brand children publication in Chinese-speaking world. Little Newton has a huge library of science and technology graphics, editorial and R&D personnel, and scientific education connections. With continuous innovation, advancing with the times, and the introduction of AR and VR technologies, we are claiming to be a pioneer in original popular science children's book, and we have built up a solid foundation in brand power. Now. we will extend from paper books and eBooks to on-line courses, popular science activities, and popular science media, etc., from Chinese-speaking world to worldwide.

Zone:Children's Book Zone


Web Address:https://www.littlenewton.com.tw/

Address:新北市新店區光明街98-1號六樓 6F.,No.98-1,Guangming St.,Xindian Dist.,New Taipei City 231,Taiwan