TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9


Pubu電子書城─成立於2010 年,Pubu取自 "Publish Urs (yours)",是一個由懷抱夢想的團隊所打造出來的電子書平台,團隊志致於開創出與眾不同的電子書平台,希望透過提供更簡單、更友善的環境讓大眾在這個平台上可以不受過往的限制自由發表作品,徹底實現人人均可 "Publish Urs (yours)" 的理想。全球400萬以上的會員,合作出版社超過700家以上,是全方位的數位內容平台,支援手機、PC、平板、閱讀器,超過30萬本電子書、雜誌、有聲書、影音課程內容。 讀者可以選擇零售買書,或是以月費訂閱飽讀服務。不論是出版社或個人作家,都可以使用Pubu的出版功能從上傳、定價、到發行一手搞定。 2022年推出首款開發自有品牌Pubook7.8吋閱讀器,可下載Adobe格式檔案,貼心設計不擔心被平台綁住。 Pubu品牌特色 √ 安心閱讀 - 1組帳號可同時登入7台裝置,包含手機、平板、電腦和閱讀器,享受不受綁訂的開放式閱讀 √ 安心擁有 - 支援Adobe DRM書檔永久留存,閱讀不受平台限制 √ 安心守護 - 升級年齡防護措施,親子共讀最安心。Pubu e-book platform is founded in 2010. Pubu means "Publish Urs (yours)". Because the team aims to build an e-book platform, provides a simpler and friendly environment for the authors and publishers, so that they can freely publish works on this platform without the restrictions of the past, and achieve the ideal of "Publish Urs (yours)" for everyone. With more than 4 million members worldwide and more than 700 cooperative publishers, Pubu is an all-in-one digital content platform that supports readers to read on mobile phones, PC, tablets, readers, and have more than 300,000 e-books, magazines, audio books, and video courses to choose. In 2022, our first self-developed “Pubook 7.8-inch ebook reader” is be launched, which can download Adobe format files, and the thoughtful design will not be bound by the different platform. Readers can choose to buy books as they like or subscribe All-You-Can-Read service. Whether you are a publisher or an individual writer, you can use Pubu's publishing service to handle everything from uploading, pricing, to distribution easily.

Zone:Digital Publishing Zone


Web Address:https://www.pubu.com.tw/
