簡單出版有限公司 B. K. Agency
B. K. Agency是專業代理西方出版社在亞洲拓展業務的經紀公司,本身並不直接從事進口銷售、出版業務。代理W.W. Norton、美國知名大學出版社(Harvard、Princeton、Johns Hopkins)等英、美、澳共四十多家國際出版社。除台灣外,並長期經營香港,韓國及中國市場。2007年起也開始擔任美國說故事大師Dr. Mike Lockett亞洲地區經紀人。負責安排Dr. Lockett的巡迴演出、講座及作品出版事宜。代理出版品包含大學用書、專業書籍、大眾和兒童讀物、英語學習教材、線上數位學習及語料庫搜索工具等,並提供版權交易服務。主要服務對象為圖書進口商,出版社,師資培訓機構及專業人士。B. K. Agency同時推廣中文原創出版品輸出版權到其他國家,包含繪本、漫畫和語言學習等不同類型,成功售出到日本、韓國、越南、泰國、印尼、美國、烏克蘭、西班牙、墨西哥等國家。B.K. Agency specializes in representing and assisting Western publishers looking to expand into or within Asia. From our Taipei headquarters, which serves as a foundation for a broad network that encompasses long-term engagements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and China, we represent over forty international publishers, including the prestigious W.W. Norton, as well as such renowned American university presses as Harvard, Princeton, and Johns Hopkins.Since 2007, we have acted as agent in Asia for renowned American storyteller Dr. Mike Lockett, managing his tours, lectures, and publication matters throughout the region. Furthermore, B. K. Agency actively promotes the overseas rights sales of Chinese-language publications of various genres, including picture books, comics, and language-learning materials. We have successfully negotiated the sale of these rights into Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, the United States, Ukraine, Spain, Mexico, and many other countries.
Zone:Foreign Book Importers, Wholesalers and Book Agents
Web Address:https://www.bkagencyltd.com/
Address:台北市中正區台北市中正區羅斯福路四段60號3樓 3F, 60, Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei, 100046, TAIWAN