Publication type(s): sports (nautics/watersports, cycling, football, motorsports and more), automobile/motorcycling and lifestyle
Number of annual published titles: about 100 (plus reprints)
Name of participant: Ina Feist
Job position: Foreign Rights Manager (acquiring and selling)
Website: https://www.delius-klasing.de/foreignrights
Company website: https://www.delius-klasing.de
2. Name of publisher:Carlsen Verlag GmbH
Publication type(s): Children books, graphic novels & manga, YA
Number of annual published titles: about 200
Name of participant: Sylvia Schuster
Job position: Rights Manager
Website: https://www.carlsen.de
3. Name of publisher:Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag GmbH
Publication type(s): Children books, namely: children’s fiction 3-16 years, picture books, non-fiction children’s books, children’s activity books
Number of annual published titles: about 200
Name of participant: Mrs. Ivana Bernhard
Job position: International Sales Director
Website: https://www.thienemann-esslinger.de
Company website: www.thienemann-esslinger.de
4. Name of publisher:Bibliographisches Institut GmbH (Duden)
Publication type(s): Dictionaries, Educational title, Non-Fiction
Number of annual published titles: about 120
Name of participant: Angela Schaaf de Lavado
Job position: Rights Director
Website: www.duden.de
Company website: www.duden.de
5. Name of publisher:Quaternio Editions Lucerne / Quaternio Verlag Luzern
Publication type(s): fine art facsimile editions of medieval illuminated manuscripts, art books and exhibition catalogues
Number of annual published titles: 2–3 facsimile editions and 1–2 art books, exhibition catalogues from time to time
Name of participant: Gunter Tampe
Job position: Publishing Director
Company website: https://quaternio.ch/en/
6. Name of publisher:arsEdition GmbH
Publication type(s): Children books, gift books, Stationery
Number of annual published titles: about 700
Name of participant: Mathilde Deroubaix & Gaëlle Toquin
Job position: Rights Managers
Company website: https://www.arsedition.de
7. Name of publisher: Suhrkamp Verlag AG & Insel Verlag Anton Kippenberg GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin
Publication type(s): Literary Fiction, Humanities (Philosophy, Sociology, Political Theory, Cultural Theory), General Non-Fiction (Essay, History, Cultural History, Current Affairs, Politics, Biography), Crime Fiction
Number of annual published titles: about 500 in total, excluding reprints
Name of participant: (Mr.) Christoph HASSENZAHL
Job position: Rights & Foreign Rights Manager (Selling Rights)
Website: www.suhrkamp.de/foreignrights
Company website: www.suhrkamp.de
8. Name of publisher: Huber Kartographie GmbH
Publication type(s): Map Licenses, Hiking & Biking Maps, Travel Guides, Atlases, Wallmaps, World Maps, Panorama maps
Number of annual published titles: Map Licenses about 250 Titles, Self publishing about 50 Titles
Name of participant: Norbert Eckrich
Job position: Managing Director
Website: www.kartographie.de
Company website: www.kartographie.de
9. Name of publisher:Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH
Publication type(s): fiction & non-fiction
Number of annual published titles: about 300
Name of participant: Annemarie Blumenhagen
Job position: Rights Director
Website: https://www.ullstein-buchverlage.de
Company website: https://www.ullstein-buchverlage.de
10.Name of publisher: Loewe Verlag GmbH
Publication type(s): Board Books, Picture Books, Early reading, Children´s Books, YA, creativity and educational titles - from 12 months to 14+/All-Age
Number of annual published titles: about 300 titles
Name of participant: Ching-Hui Chen
Job position: Rights Manager
Company Website: https://www.loewe-verlag.de/ (English: https://www.loewe-verlag.de/rights/)
Catalogue online (Autumn 2018): https://www.loewe-verlag.de/rights/content-840-840/foreign_rights_catalogue/
11.Name of publisher: Marcel Hartges Literatur und Filmagentur
Publication type(s): fiction & nonfiction books
Number of annual published titles: 10-15 titles
Name of participant: Marcel Hartges
Job position: agent & owner
Company website: www.marcelhartges.de
12.Name of publisher: BHV
Publication type(s): Kids and adult education
Number of annual published titles: 50
Name of participant: Ya Peng Chung
Job position: Business Development, Foreign Rights
Name of participant: Dieter Dedeke
Job position: Managing Director
Website: https://www.bhv.de
Company website: https://www.bhv.de