民國歷史文化學社有限公司 Republic of China History and Culture Society Corp.

民國歷史文化學社以推廣民國歷史研究為目的,著重促進相關學術發展及提高整體學術水準,並結合各方學者、專家及民間學術團體、政府機構,共同推動民國歷史研究的發揚與教育。 以學術出版為基礎,推廣中國近代史、民國史,從歷史出發,讓歷史來說故事。2023年10月,並取得獨家授權出版「蔣中正日記」,為研究近代中國史的重要史料。 營運方向: 1.民國歷史研究學術專書之出版。 2.民國歷史檔案、史料之整理出版。 3.舉辦以民國歷史為主題之學術活動。 4.舉辦以民國歷史為主題之推廣教育與研習。 5.出版書系有:民國論叢、民國史料、民國日記、民國城市、說史敘事、史家薪傳、蔣中正日記。
REPUBLIC OF CHINA HISTORY AND CULTURE SOCIETY aims to promote the studies on Republican Chinese history, improve academic development and quality, also combines scholars, experts, academic groups, and official institutes to push and carry the history of the Republic of China. Based on academic publishing, we set out with modern Chinese history. “Let history tell history”, it is our principle. In addition, we had published Chiang Kai-shek Diaries in October 2023, which are important historical documents for the study of modern Chinese history. Our main goals: 1. Publish academic works / oeuvres. 2. Compilation archives and historical documents. 3. Hold lectures, seminars, and symposiums. 4. Organize educational workshop. Our publications: 1. Monographs 2. Historical Documents 3. Diaries 4. City Guidebooks 5. Narratives 6. Historians 7. Chiang Kai-shek Diaries
REPUBLIC OF CHINA HISTORY AND CULTURE SOCIETY aims to promote the studies on Republican Chinese history, improve academic development and quality, also combines scholars, experts, academic groups, and official institutes to push and carry the history of the Republic of China. Based on academic publishing, we set out with modern Chinese history. “Let history tell history”, it is our principle. In addition, we had published Chiang Kai-shek Diaries in October 2023, which are important historical documents for the study of modern Chinese history. Our main goals: 1. Publish academic works / oeuvres. 2. Compilation archives and historical documents. 3. Hold lectures, seminars, and symposiums. 4. Organize educational workshop. Our publications: 1. Monographs 2. Historical Documents 3. Diaries 4. City Guidebooks 5. Narratives 6. Historians 7. Chiang Kai-shek Diaries
地址:台北市大安區羅斯福路三段37號7樓之1 7F-1, No.37, Sec.3, Roosevelt Road, Daan District, Taipei City, 10646, Taiwan