「出版好書」一直是允晨文化堅持的原則。基於這樣的執著,陸續出版了一系列的「允晨叢刊」,網羅包括余英時等當代享有國際聲譽的學界大師的重要代表著作,並曾多次榮獲國家圖書金鼎獎及優良著作物的肯定。不僅提供了一個廣闊的與大師對話的討論園地,匯聚不同學科與文化觀點,更落實了普及學術的理想。 同時更稟持掌握世界新知的理念,希望塑造全方位的閱讀環境,讓讀者成為全方位的讀書人,開闢不同類型書系︰「當代名家」,以華文作家作品為主,用文學書寫,挖掘華人世界中的不同主題和面向;「當代叢書」,側重觀念及議題,提供政治、經濟、趨勢等現代國家應關注的焦點著作;「生活美學」則讓讀者藉由閱讀,在繁忙的紅塵俗世中,回歸心靈澄明的原點;而展現世界文壇主流風貌的「經典文學」,更是本本佳作,具現大師風采。 知識是軟實力,出版則是重要平台,有感於近年來台灣出版品的輕薄柔軟、雷同,甚少人文關懷和世界視野,對中國缺乏真正認識,特著力出版深具重量的著作,以擴大台灣讀者的閱讀向度,加深人文關懷,認識中國現實,從而追尋台灣的未來。
To promote the scholarly community and to participate in the cultivation of cultural heritage, Shin Kong Institution founded Asian Culture Publishing in 1982. Publishing good books has always been the principle that Asian Culture Publishing upholds. Because of such dedication, Asian Culture has won numerous acknowledgements from the National Golden Tripod Award and Publication Award of Excellence. In view of the scarcity of publications on the subjects of humanity, outreach, and global perspectives in recent years, we focus especially on publishing heavyweight materials on such subjects to expand Taiwanese readers’ dimensions, and in turn, help in searching for Taiwan’s future.
To promote the scholarly community and to participate in the cultivation of cultural heritage, Shin Kong Institution founded Asian Culture Publishing in 1982. Publishing good books has always been the principle that Asian Culture Publishing upholds. Because of such dedication, Asian Culture has won numerous acknowledgements from the National Golden Tripod Award and Publication Award of Excellence. In view of the scarcity of publications on the subjects of humanity, outreach, and global perspectives in recent years, we focus especially on publishing heavyweight materials on such subjects to expand Taiwanese readers’ dimensions, and in turn, help in searching for Taiwan’s future.
地址:台北市中山區南京東路3段21號6樓 6F, No.21, Sec.3,Nanking E. Rd,Taipei City,10487,TAIWAN