正智出版社有限公司 True Wisdom Publishing Center
正智出版社係一專業的佛法書籍出版社,成立於1997年8月,位於台北市,以出版 如來大乘了義究竟正法、貫串 釋迦世尊五時三教說法、發顯了達禪門淨土菩薩戒行要義的出版品為宗旨。正智出版社至今已出版百餘本書籍,廣及禪、般若、淨土、阿含、楞嚴真密、唯識增上慧學、戒學等。
正智出版社本務求每一位作者都具備開悟知見,真實參究第一義諦而實證真如,以真實修行者的現觀證量下筆,處處皆能從自心所證聖境而盡情流露文字般若,於所說義理皆能體證通達,無有滯礙,又時時恭閱引徵目前電腦所流通之大正藏經典籍,相互佐證而闡發實教,勤學悠遊於 如來甚深智慧大海之中,以諸法樂自娛,對於 如來大小乘法所演差異,皆能貫通無礙。本社同仁亦是如此自策自勵,務求每一出版品字字珠璣,咸能言之有物,以此嚴苛的標準來自我期許。
Founded in August 1997, True Wisdom Publishing Center is a Buddhist-related publication house in Taipei. The center focuses on publishing the Tathagata Mahayana definitive and ultimate True Dharma taught by the World-Honored One, Buddha Sakyamuni, and has strung together His three teachings spanning the five periods. We hope to fully demonstrate and delineate the core teachings of Chan School, Pure Land and the notion of bodhisattva precepts through our publications. Our center has published more than one hundred books with a broad spectrum of Buddhist teachings, including Chan, prajna, Pure Land, the Agama sutras, the implicit teachings of the Surangama, training in higher wisdom in Consciousness-Only, and precept observance. True Wisdom Publishing Center strives to ensure that our authors have all attained the knowledge and insights of true enlightenment, can pursue true contemplation, have empirically realized the true suchness of the ultimate truth at will, and present their published works on the basis of direct observation from their actual practice. In other words, the center’s publications should reflect the prajna wisdom that flows from the sacred states predicated on the author’s own realization. Thus, the authors should be skillful in explaining the doctrines and principles on the basis of their personal realization. At the same time, they are expected to reference sutras and treatises from the Taishō Tripiṭaka to lend credence to and supplement their explanations with broader true teachings and to advance their own practice while delighting themselves by immersing in the ocean-like profound Dharma wisdom. They should also be proficient in associating the various dharmas of the Great and Small Vehicles of the Tathagata. Our entire team is guided and motivated by such self-imposed strict standards. We strive to ensure excellence and demonstrate substance with every word we publish in our books.
Founded in August 1997, True Wisdom Publishing Center is a Buddhist-related publication house in Taipei. The center focuses on publishing the Tathagata Mahayana definitive and ultimate True Dharma taught by the World-Honored One, Buddha Sakyamuni, and has strung together His three teachings spanning the five periods. We hope to fully demonstrate and delineate the core teachings of Chan School, Pure Land and the notion of bodhisattva precepts through our publications. Our center has published more than one hundred books with a broad spectrum of Buddhist teachings, including Chan, prajna, Pure Land, the Agama sutras, the implicit teachings of the Surangama, training in higher wisdom in Consciousness-Only, and precept observance. True Wisdom Publishing Center strives to ensure that our authors have all attained the knowledge and insights of true enlightenment, can pursue true contemplation, have empirically realized the true suchness of the ultimate truth at will, and present their published works on the basis of direct observation from their actual practice. In other words, the center’s publications should reflect the prajna wisdom that flows from the sacred states predicated on the author’s own realization. Thus, the authors should be skillful in explaining the doctrines and principles on the basis of their personal realization. At the same time, they are expected to reference sutras and treatises from the Taishō Tripiṭaka to lend credence to and supplement their explanations with broader true teachings and to advance their own practice while delighting themselves by immersing in the ocean-like profound Dharma wisdom. They should also be proficient in associating the various dharmas of the Great and Small Vehicles of the Tathagata. Our entire team is guided and motivated by such self-imposed strict standards. We strive to ensure excellence and demonstrate substance with every word we publish in our books.
地址:台北市大同區承德路三段267號10樓 10F., No. 267, Sec. 3, Chengde Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103632 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)