TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9


成大出版社以協助出版校內學術著作與研究成果為首要目的,自許成為教師、研究團隊與讀者之間的橋樑。以學術著作出版為主、一般著作為輔,提供專業的審查機制及出版資源,推展國立成功大學優質暨多元的研究成果,邁向世界頂尖。 由國內外各領域學者專家組成的出版委員會,以專業、嚴謹的學術審查機制為每本投稿著作把關。與國內數位平台廠商合作,採非專屬的授權方式,將優質學術著作數位化,以突破紙本出版限制。除了出版委員會組成國際化,也鼓勵校內教師、研究團隊與國際學者合作出版英文學術專書。同時積極參與國內外各大書展,將成大優質著作推廣國際。

The primary objective of National Cheng Kung University Press (NCKU Press) is to publish academic publications and research results while embracing its missions to bridge teachers, research groups, and readers. Providing professional reviews and publication resources, NCKU Press publishes primarily academic works, along with general titles in order to foster academic achievements at NCKU and promote NCKU’s academic success as one of the world’s top universities. NCKU Press employs the highest professional standard for reviewing each submission by the editorial board, which comprises outstanding scholars and experts from many academic fields. Coordinating with domestic digital platform companies, NCKU Press plans to digitalize outstanding academic works, which involves granting a non-exclusive publishing license to extend digital repository services. In addition to inviting more international scholars to join the editorial board, NCKU Press encourages faculty members and research groups at NCKU to cooperate with international scholars and to publish academic works in English.


