TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

心靈工坊文化事業股份有限公司 PsyGarden Publishing Company

2000年10月,[心靈工坊] 誕生了。 我們是一群關心國人心理文化的朋友,希望藉由各自的專業以及共同的關懷,為國人提供身、心、靈各方面的知識與資訊,創造一片健康豐盈的人文氣氛,以及一所 沒有疆界的終身學習學校,使台灣不只在經濟物質上富足新潮,在追求生命品質與心理衛生的品味上,也能有無盡的資源與機會,向上提升。 [心靈工坊]創辦的目的,即在提供社會大眾多元豐富的身心靈健康知識與資訊,透過出版圖書與雜誌、舉辦人文講座、成長團體、進修課程,以及網路交流等方式,使每一個人都可以獲得最快速、最正確的身心靈全方位的學習與成長。 [心靈工坊] 的願景 思想觀念的帶動者 文化現象的觀察者 本土經驗的整理者 生命故事的關懷者

The PsyGarden Publishing Company was founded in October 2000. Our aim is to create a borderless, humanistic community of lifelong learning by propagating knowledge and information that promote body-mind-spirit wellness. We provide publications, talks, group activities for personal growth, advanced trainings, and opportunities for networking in the pursuit of sound, rapid and holistic learning towards an ever-ascending quality of life. Our partners and consultants include psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, dance therapists, educators, philosophers, spiritual practitioners, and editors in various media. MISSION STATEMENT To catalyse ideological transformations To witness cultural meanings To model indigenous experiences To nurture the local narratives of humanity We offer products in the categories of autobiography, body, mind, and spirit, gender studies, love and sex, marriage and family, psychiatry, psychology, religion and culture, and self-help.


地址:台北市大安區信義路4段53巷8號2樓 2F,No.8,Lane 53, Sec 4,Hsin-Yi Rd.,Taipei 106,Taiwan


