北星圖書事業股份有限公司 NORTH STAR BOOKS CO., LTD

成立於1982年的北星圖書事業股份有限公司,開創至今對於選購圖書已累積將近四十年的經驗,每一種系列書籍的挑選都是以專業的走向來發展,而且內容相當廣泛,包括了應用美術、藝術欣賞、商業設計、POP、室內設計、攝影、服裝設計、手工藝、電腦繪圖、建築房地產以及造園景觀等專業書籍。 平常一般實體書店所賣的專業應用書籍種類不多,且不甚齊全,實在讓人很頭疼,不知道該上那去找,花了很多時間和精力也找不著,再加上近年來有鑑於社會大眾對於此類圖書需求有明顯增加的趨勢,所以北星圖書才成立這個網站,提供北星所推出的圖書給社會大眾,讓大家不再認為找書是一件苦差事。只要您連上我們的網站,即可快速找到您想要的書。 我們將本著推廣與服務的態度來成立個網站,以便您能以最快的速度接收到我們最新的訊息,同時我們也會更加倍努力發展,積極致力於開發更多專業書籍回饋給我們忠實的顧客,希望您能繼續給予我們支持與鼓勵。
North Star Culture Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007, we specially publish professional books of art and design, including fine art, advertising design, interior design, photography, painting, POP, decoration, design, early childhood education, architecture, handcraft…and so on. Moreover, we take a persistent attitude toward spreading the message of beauty and inspire the styles of design from a professionalized perspective, based on popularizing the ideas of creativity and design. We develop every series of books in professional way. Furthermore, there are varying contents including applied art, art appreciation, commercial design, POP, interior design, photography, fashion design, handcraft, computer graphics, architecture, real estate, garden and landscape design and so on.
North Star Culture Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007, we specially publish professional books of art and design, including fine art, advertising design, interior design, photography, painting, POP, decoration, design, early childhood education, architecture, handcraft…and so on. Moreover, we take a persistent attitude toward spreading the message of beauty and inspire the styles of design from a professionalized perspective, based on popularizing the ideas of creativity and design. We develop every series of books in professional way. Furthermore, there are varying contents including applied art, art appreciation, commercial design, POP, interior design, photography, fashion design, handcraft, computer graphics, architecture, real estate, garden and landscape design and so on.
地址:新北市永和區中正路462號地下一樓 B1,462,Chung Cheng Rd,234 Yongho,New Taipei ,Taiwan