TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9

客家委員會 Hakka Affairs Council

成立與願景 行政院在民國90年6月14日成立「行政院客家委員會」,是全球唯一的中央級客家事務主管機關,統籌掌理全國客家事務。101年1月1日配合行政院組織改造,改制為「客家委員會」,以振興客家語言文化為使命,建構快樂、自信、有尊嚴的客家認同為信念,打造臺灣成為全球客家文化研究與交流中心為目標。 為強化客語之復振發展,於110年1月18日針對內部組織進行調整,將「文化教育處」調整為「語言發展處」,以強化客語基礎建設及社會推廣等工作;「傳播行銷處」調整為「藝文傳播處」,致力客家文化內容產業之創新與行銷。 施政理念 為落實總統客家政見,本會積極推動客家族群主流化,完備客家法制,推進客家進入主流,提升客語公共領域服務,營造客庄創生環境,打造客家品牌國際交流,發展客庄青年社會參與,推展客庄區域經濟。

History The Hakka Affairs Council, officially established January 1, 2012, is a new agency resulting from the Executive Yuan’s structural reorganization. Its predecessor was the Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, founded on June 14, 2001. The Council is the only central authority responsible for Hakka affairs in the world, and its mission is to revitalize Hakka language and culture, build a unifying Hakka identity promoting happiness, confidence and dignity, and become a global center for Hakka cultural research and exchange. In order to catalyze the Hakka language revival and development, the Council re-structured two departments on January 18, 2021. The Department of Culture and Education is transformed into the Department of Language Development, undertaking the task of building Hakka language infrastructure and strengthening the ethnic language promotion. The Department of Communication and Marketing is re-organized as the Department of Art, Culture and Communication, dedicating to the development and marketing of Hakka cultural content industries. Mission To implement the President’s Hakka policies, the Council actively promotes the mainstreaming of the Hakka community, helps to build Hakka-friendly environments, strengthens Hakka language education and promotion, and increases the ethnic identity. To re-present and perpetuate Hakka culture, HAC cultivates the energy of the Hakka arts and culture community, collects valuable Hakka cultural assets, and builds Hakka ecological museums. Aiming to boost prosperity in Hakka settlements, the national-level Hakka 369 governance platform is constructed to bolster regional revitalization, encourage Hakka youth to return their hometowns for creating or finding job opportunities, and rebuild community capitals. To raise the international profile of Taiwan’s Hakka culture, the Council develops the Hakka communication system, enhances Hakka prestige, and promotes media cultural diversity.





2025-02-04 14:15 - 15:15
2025-02-06 11:45 - 12:45